Uninstall Ryviu App from your Shopify

This instruction will show you how to uninstall Ryviu app from your Shopify store.


If you need to reset or remove the Ryviu app from your Shopify store, follow these steps.

info icon
All reviews and personal customer information will be deleted within 48 hours after uninstalling app. You won't be able to view or access features for the Ryviu app anymore, and discounts that use this app will also be deleted.

👉 Step 1. Uninstalling the Ryviu App

  • Log in to Shopify Admin:

    • Go to your Shopify admin panel.

    • Navigate to Apps > App and sale channel settings.

  • Uninstall Ryviu:

    • Find Ryviu: Reviews & QA and click Uninstall.

  • Confirm by clicking the Uninstall button in the popup.

👉 Step 2. Uninstalling Ryviu's Chrome Extension

  1. Open your Chrome browser.

  2. Click Extension at the top bar of your browser

  3. Click 3 dots button next to Ryviu - Import reviews

  4. Click Remove from Chrome

  5. Click Remove.

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