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Create a featured reviews page for Shopify store
Create a featured reviews page for Shopify store

This instruction will guide you on creating a separate featured reviews page for your Shopify store.

Dan Dong avatar
Written by Dan Dong
Updated over a week ago

Featured reviews are the most outstanding feedback on your online store. This article will show how to create a featured review page on your Shopify store.

Note: This feature is available for Ryviu premium plans only.

If you'd like to create a featured reviews page, please mark some reviews as featured reviews first. To get featured reviews, please go to your Ryviu dashboard > Reviews > mark reviews as featured.

  • You can set one-by-one review as featured.

  • Or set selected reviews as featured.

After getting some featured reviews, please follow the steps below to create a featured reviews page for your Shopify store.

STEP 1: Log in to your Shopify store admin

STEP 2: Navigate to Online Store > Pages > Add page

STEP 3: Add a title for your page

STEP 4: Click "< >" icon to show HTML

Add featured review code

STEP 5: Copy Ryviu's Featured Review snippet code and paste it into your page.

Here are Ryviu featured review snippet codes:

- Masonry layout snippet code:

<ryviu-widget feature="1"></ryviu-widget>
<!-- / RYVIU APP -->

- The carousel layout snippet code:

<ryviu-feature-extend carousel="1" id="r--ryviu-widget"></ryviu-feature-extend>
<!-- / RYVIU APP -->

STEP 6: Click Save button.

You can get more details in the video below:

If you need more help, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via email or live chat.

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