In your Ryviu dashboard menu bar, please click on the Emails section. This section is divided into two parts: Analytics and Automation.
I. Analytics

It is simple to check the list of emails with the order number, the customer email, and the status of this email.
1. Showing the general report for sending email.
2. You can filter, order, send, or delete the email with a certain status or add your order# to search.

Order ID. In your email sections, you can select 50 orders to remove (by clicking on the trash icon) or send emails (clicking on the envelope icon).
Rating. Showing the rating and number of reviews.
Showing email status.
Date. The time of that order.
Action. You can manually send emails to those processing by clicking the envelope icon.
II. Automation button
In this part, you can set up your request review email. Please check all the information in this tutorial.
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